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air pollution 大氣污染。

We should fight a battle against air pollution 我們應該打一場防止空氣污染的“戰爭“

air post

Cross - border co - operation measures to reduce air pollution 減少空氣污染的跨境合作措施

Lets join hands to reduce air pollution 減少空氣污染,我們都要出一分力!

Dr hon lui ming - wah raised a question on air pollution 呂明華議員就空氣污染提出質詢。

Do you know that air pollution is largely man - made 知不知道空氣污染大多數是人為的呢

I hope that there won ' t be any air pollution 我希望那時不再有空氣污染了。

Urban air pollution and utilization of renewable energy 城市大氣污染與可再生能源利用

Exposition of urban air pollution forecast methods 城市空氣污染預報方法簡述

We should realize the impact of air pollution 我們要認識到空氣污染的危害。

Air pollution is going from bad to worse in our city 空氣污染在我們城市中日益嚴重

We should use anthracite to avoid air pollution 我們應該使用無煙煤以防止空氣污染。

Control air pollution and bring back city ' s blue sky 治理大氣污染,還城市一片藍天

You can blame factories for the air pollution 你可以將空氣污染歸咎于工廠。

We should fight a battle against air pollution 我們應該打一場防止空氣污染的“戰爭“

A concise guide to the air pollution control ordinance 空氣污染管制條例簡介

Air pollution prevention and control equipment - introduction 空氣污染防制設備概述

He made a speech on the subject of air pollution 他以空氣污染為題發表了一篇演說。

Air pollution can also cause the disease 空氣污染同樣是該病的發病原因之一。

Present situation evaluation of air pollution in fuxin city 阜新市大氣污染現狀評價